
Sino-Pak relations to set new model for building a community with a shared future: Ambassador Nong Rong

May 21, 2021

Islamabad, May 21 (INP): China-Pakistan friendship is based on good faith, morality and compassion.
And this cooperation between the two countries enjoys broad prospects and our relations will set a new example for building a community with a shared future for mankind,” said Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong in an interview with China Economic Net on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations.

When pointed out that it has been half a year since he sets foot on the land of Pakistan for the first time in your capacity as Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan. Sharing some of his feelings about the country and its people, Ambassador Nong said,  as a poem goes, “Meeting a good friend for the first time is like having a reunion with an old friend.” Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, enjoys a humid climate similar to my hometown in Guangxi province, with towering kapok trees and blooming bougainvillea greeting me along the road and welcoming me home.

Since taking office, I have visited all the four provinces of Pakistan, maintained close contact with Pakistani officials and communicated with people from all walks of life. I have deeply felt in my heart the hospitality and sincerity of Pakistani people, as well as the close friendship and great potential of cooperation between China and Pakistan.
The first Urdu phrase I learned from my Pakistani friends is “Chin-Pak Dosti Zindabad (Long live China-Pakistan friendship)”. It is fair to say that China-Pakistan friendship has received lasting and extensive support from people of all stripes in Pakistan, ranging from high-level officials to ordinary people. This is also an important reason why Pakistan is China’s one and only all-weather strategic cooperative partner.

Giving an overview of the history of China-Pakistan friendship, and the expectations for the future of China-Pakistan relations, Ambassador Nong said, China and Pakistan treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe. Over the past 70 years, no matter how the international situation changes, the two countries have always showed mutual understanding and supported each other, providing a model of state-to-state relations. Friendly exchanges between the two countries have been passed on from generation to generation.

We will never forget that Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China and the first Islamic country to establish diplomatic relations with China.
At the crucial moments when China made great efforts to break an external blockade, restore its legal seat in the United Nations and pursue reform and opening-up, and when it suffered natural disasters such as the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008, Pakistan always steps up and provides us with selfless and valuable support.
Likewise, China also gives staunch support and generous assistance to Pakistan when it comes to its sovereignty, security and development.
During President Xi Jinping’s visit to Pakistan in 2015, the relations between the two countries were upgraded to an “all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.” The Belt and Road Initiative has brought historic opportunities for China-Pakistan cooperation. Under the guidance of the leaders, we are working toward building a community with a shared future with Pakistan.
As the world today is undergoing substantial changes unseen in a century, China-Pakistan relations is of growing significance and cooperation between the two countries has become closer. I believe that China-Pakistan cooperation will keep widening, and China-Pakistan relations will set a new example for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

When China Economic Net pointed out that over the past 70 years, China and Pakistan have always supported and helped each other, with ever-growing cooperation and a long-lasting friendship. What does he think are the internal reasons?

Ambassador Nong said, China-Pakistan friendship is based on commitment, morality and compassion. China and Pakistan always firmly support each other’s core interests and major concerns.
No matter how the international situation changes and which Pakistani political party comes to power, China and Pakistan always back each other up. This is commitment. The two countries always conform to the basic norms of international relations, uphold fairness and justice and work vigorously to promote regional peace and stability.
This is morality. Generations of leaders have maintained close exchanges and carefully nurtured our friendship, and the peoples always take each other to heart and do their part in pushing forward China-Pakistan cooperation. This is compassion.
For people familiar with China-Pakistan relations, the Karakoram Highway is something not to miss. In the 1970s, the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway, hailed as the eighth wonder of the world, was completed and opened to traffic.
To help build the highway, 88 Chinese people sacrificed their lives in Pakistan, and local villagers volunteered to look after the graves of these heroes year after year. During President Xi Jinping’s visit to Pakistan in 2015, he accorded the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Friendship Award to the Pakistani grave keeper Ali Ahmed. Countless of touching stories like this have enriched and solidified China-Pakistan friendship with each passing day.

CPEC brings total investment of USD25.4 to Pakistan, and 40+ enterprises have moved into the Gwadar Free Zone

About the first phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that has produced fruitful results, most notably in energy, infrastructure and other fields, he said CPEC is a calling card of Belt and Road cooperation and China-Pakistan cooperation.


It has brought USD25.4 billion in investment to Pakistan, and 46 projects have been completed or under construction, helping Pakistan add 5.2 million kilowatts of electricity, 880,000 meters of power transmission lines and 510 kilometers of highways.CPEC has achieved key preliminary objectives.

The areas of cooperation between the two countries have also expanded from the Gwadar Port, energy, transportation infrastructure and industry to the likes of public services, agriculture, science and technology, and international cooperation.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of last year, the CPEC has maintained normal operation with no layoffs under the premise of strict pandemic prevention and control measures, demonstrated great resilience and vitality and achieved substantial results, fully reflecting the vision of the Belt and Road as a road of cooperation, health, recovery and growth.
Going forward, we will continue to work with other parties in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation to serve the country’s endeavor to foster a new development paradigm.
On the basis of doing a good job in existing projects, we will steer more resources towards industry, agriculture, science and technology, and public services, so that CPEC can benefit more people in Pakistan.

When pointed out that CPEC has now entered the second stage. The key areas of cooperation in this stage include agriculture, industry and construction of industrial parks. What progress has been made so far?

Nong replied, Agriculture and industry are important areas Pakistan is most concerned about and also the most promising areas for China-Pakistan cooperation.

Cooperation in agriculture has seen rapid progress, which mainly includes three aspects. The first is to put in place mechanisms.
Last year, the Agriculture Working Group within the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Joint Committee was established. The first task undertaken by the working group was to help Pakistan overcome the locust plague, which has attained remarkable results.
The second is to speed up export of agricultural products to China. The inspection and quarantine procedures for agricultural products to be exported to China, such as onions, potatoes, cherries and dairy products, are streamlined at a faster pace.
An onion export agreement will be signed this year, nine rice export enterprises will be registered, and the construction of zones free of the foot-and-mouth disease is advanced steadily.
The third is to promote investment. This year, with strong support from the embassy, the China-Pakistan Agricultural and Industrial Cooperation Information Platform was established to promote comprehensive exchanges and cooperation among government, industry, universities and research institutes.
Chinese enterprises plan to invest in Pakistan in various fields such as pepper planting, buffalo milk, food processing and agricultural machinery.
Great strides have been made in industrial cooperation. The Gwadar Free Zone has attracted more than 40 enterprises engaging in various industries such as hospitality, banking, metal processing, overseas warehousing, and grain and oil processing, with total direct investment exceeding RMB3 billion.
In 2020, the two sides signed a development agreement on the Lasakai Economic Zone, the first industrial park within the framework of the CPEC, and the equipment imported from China by the first steel company in the park arrived at Karachi Port. In addition, the two sides continue to deepen their cooperation in textile, auto, energy, telecommunications and other industries.
To sum up, China-Pakistan industrial cooperation is moving towards more diversified and high value-added fields and those empowered by smart technology.
When asked, data from Pakistan shows that bilateral trade deficit has been on a downward trend for three consecutive years, and trade imbalance has been greatly alleviated. What efforts have both countries made in promoting Pakistan’s exports to China?

Ambassdor Nong replied, China welcomes the expansion of exports from Pakistan and has never sought after a trade surplus with Pakistan. The current trade deficit is largely attributed to deep-seated reasons such as the different stages of economic development and the differences in industrial structure.

To narrow Pakistan’s trade deficit with China, China has adopted a raft of measures over the years. First, the phase-II free trade agreement between China and Pakistan took effect on January 1, 2020, reducing the tariff rate for 75% of the traded goods to zero.
Second, inspection and quarantine cooperation is carried out in an effort to bring Pakistan’s cherries, onions, potatoes, beef, mutton and other high-quality agricultural products to the Chinese market.
Third, measures are taken to facilitate Pakistani enterprises to participate in key exhibitions such as the China International Import Expo, the Canton Fair and the China-ASEAN Expo.
Fourth, Chinese enterprises are encouraged to invest in and cooperate with Pakistan, which will help improve the ability of Pakistani enterprises to earn foreign exchange through export. China will continue to take various measures to make trade with Pakistan more balanced and sustainable.

When asked that Prime Minister Imran Khan pays high attention to poverty alleviation and has reiterated the need to draw on China’s experience. How does he thinks China and Pakistan can strengthen cooperation in the field of poverty alleviation?

Nong replied, the Chinese nation has long shared a virtue that wishing all people in the world have a warm home to live and sufficient food to content. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, CPC and the Chinese people have created a Chinese miracle in the history of poverty reduction.
China’s remarkable achievements in poverty reduction are highly admired by all circles of Pakistan, ranging from Prime Minister Imran Khan to ordinary people.
China-Pakistan cooperation in poverty reduction has broad prospects. China is ready to share poverty reduction experience with Pakistan without reservation. Seminars will be convened between political parties, governments and enterprises of the two countries to share China’s experience and practice in poverty alleviation.
Pakistani delegations will be invited to take field trips to model Chinese villages lifted out of poverty and communicate with frontline poverty alleviation workers.
At the recently held video conference of foreign ministers of China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh on pandemic response, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China will establish a poverty reduction and development cooperation mechanism with South Asian countries and carry out trials in cooperation with them on some distinct poverty alleviation methods such as e-commerce poverty alleviation. This initiative has been applauded by Pakistan.

When pointed out that hat at present and for some time to come, the fight against the pandemic will be a major issue facing all countries in the world and requires them to strengthen cooperation. What does he thinks of the cooperation between China and Pakistan in this regard? Ambassdor Nong said,  Pakistan are bosom friends who share weal and woe and hold together through thick and thin.

When China was struggling to battle the pandemic, Pakistan did its utmost to donate supplies; people from all walks of life expressed support for China’s efforts and opposed the politicization of the pandemic and the stigmatization of China.
Shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak in Pakistan, the Chinese government, the military, local governments, enterprises and social organizations sent batches of medical supplies to Pakistan and two medical teams to provide help and share China’s experience.
The two countries have also established a joint prevention and control cooperation mechanism to support Pakistan’s economic operation and recovery amid the pandemic.
Currently, Pakistan is plagued by the third wave of the pandemic, and China gives high attention to vaccine cooperation with Pakistan. Pakistan was the first recipient of vaccines donated by the Chinese government and the military, and Chinese enterprises have worked closely with the Pakistani side in vaccine research and development.
Pakistan actively participated in the third phase of vaccine trials conducted by Chinese companies, making important contributions to the development and application of Chinese vaccines. Notably, 45% of people involved in CanSino’s Phase III overseas vaccine trials were from Pakistan.
So far, the Pakistani government has given emergency approval to vaccines developed by three Chinese companies, and two other Chinese companies are carrying out Phase III clinical trials in Pakistan. Suffice it to say that China-Pakistan cooperation in the fight against the pandemic has set an example for global anti-pandemic cooperation. China and Pakistan will continue to carry out in-depth cooperation in this regard until Pakistan is out of the pandemic.

Giving his message on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations, the Ambassador said friendship, which derives from close contact between the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations.


I have full confidence that at a new starting point, China-Pakistan friendship will surely be taken to a new level.

I hope that both countries will take the opportunity of the 70th anniversary to learn from each other, strengthen cooperation, promote people-to-people bonds, and forge ahead as “iron friends”.
There is every reason to believe that in the historical process of building a community with a shared future in the new era, China and Pakistan will see a stronger friendship and more fruitful cooperation.