
New Sesame Seed Variety Promises High Yield

February 07, 2022

By Qudsia Bano ISLAMABAD, Feb. 07 (INP-WealthPK): The creation and certification for general cultivation of sesame ‘Til-18’ -- a novel high-yielding variety with several desirable characteristics such as large number of pods, cluster-bearing, and disease resistance -- will go a long way in helping the farmers boost their production and help the country meet its domestic oilseed needs and also increase exports of the product. The certification of the new sesame seed variety had come about in 2018, which is also a major focus under the recently-launched Prime Minister’s Agriculture Emergency Programme to boost productivity and profitability of farmers. The programme aims at increasing oilseed production both vertically and horizontally through promotion of farm mechanisation and provision of quality seeds. Under the scheme, the farmers will receive subsidy on 150 units of planter/drill, thresher modification for oilseed, and combine header extensions. Sesame is one of Pakistan's most important oilseed crops. It is grown as a rain-fed and irrigated crop in 65 districts across the country. However, its yield is not stable in areas dependent on rain because of changes in weather patterns. As sesame seeds have certain benefits, they have high demand both in local and international markets. Sesame cultivation on a large-scale with high-yielding seed varieties and implementation of proper production technologies can help close the gap between the country's average production and the varietal potential of sesame varieties, as well as enhance the export volume. In 2017-18, the total area under cultivation and production remained at 175,000 hectares and 30,000 tonnes, respectively, in Pakistan. Because of export potential, farmers, particularly in the Punjab province, should be encouraged to cultivate the crop on a large scale. In Punjab, the total area under sesame cultivation was 273,000 acres in 2018-19 with the province exporting seed worth Rs9.72 billion to various nations in that year. The province exported sesame seed worthy Rs4.38 Billion in 2019-20 and Rs14.13 billion in 2020-21, according to statistics provided by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Sesame has a 50-60% oil and a 22% protein content in its seeds. Its oil is semi-drying and safe for human consumption. Its seed is primarily used in confectioneries, although good quality oil can also be used for medical purposes. Sesame is regarded as one of the best oil crops due to its high-quality oil and high protein level of up to 22.0%. Its oil content varies between 50% and 58%. Sesame is grown in hot and arid areas, and its seeds are utilised in a variety of confectioneries and pastry products in addition to raw meals. It's also an important element in soaps, fragrances, vegetable oil, and carbon paper because of its pleasant aroma.