
First batch of Pakistani mangoes to arrive China next week

June 02, 2021

ISLAMABAD, June 2: First batch of Pakistani mangoes will arrive China next week, according to Gwadar Pro. "This year we will start mango export to China on 10th of June. So they will reach China on the 11th," said Adnan Hafeez, founder of Imperial Ventures who has been doing Pakistan mango and orange exports to China for 5 years.

"This year, we want to conduct the mango export earlier, so that we can have proper marketing in China.”

Due to the COVID-19, when mango or any kind of shipment arrives in China customs, they will first conduct COVID-19 tests on everything. If goods are detected positive, the shipment will be destroyed. So many of our previous buyers stopped bookings to avoid such loss."

Adnan told us that they started the B to C sale last year. They do promotions online to sell mango to individual customers in small quality on WeChat or other platforms. A lot of Chinese customers have already prebooked their mangoes. " In this way, the customers do not need to bear any loss."

Similar to the last year, the mango will be transported from Lahore to Kunming airport with the support of YTO Express. "We can achieve 72 hour delivery from Pakistan to your doorstep."

According to Adnan, the transportation cost is around RMB 7 to 8 per kilogram from Lahore to Kunming. "Now we have bookings about 2 tons. We still have one week. If we can get higher quantity, the transportation price can be further reduced."

"Last year Shanghai conducted the mango event in the mall. So this year I suggested using the same strategy in Beijing, that we find some supermarket to hold the promotion activity.

After the event, the display can continue, so people can come to buy and taste." Adnan believes that in this way, they can get better feedback from the people."We actually have never marketed our mango to the Chinese people.

If you ask them what choices of mango they have, they never think of Pakistani mango. This is why we should put our mango in some better place where people may get to know that Pakistan also has mango, and it's one of the five largest mango producers in the world."

This year, Adnan has started some new cooperation with Chinese partners in online sales. "Our new partner has never sold Pakistani mangoes before.

They only did some small-scale marketing. When our first shipment arrives, they will check everything and start marketing aggressively in the next phase. We also expect that we get a better sale in the next phase."

"Last year we started mango export quite late, this year we started quite early. We expect that for every 10 days we will have one batch of mango sending to China. We're planning like that. But let's see what's the market response after the first batch." Adnan said.

Credits: INP-WealthPk