
Energy sector transformation must for sustained economic growth

March 01, 2023

Arooj Zulfiqar

Pakistan will have to transform its energy sector for sustainable economic development. Historically, energy-related issues have limited the country’s growth with increasing demand for energy straining resources and distribution systems. “Pakistan’s energy sector has enormous potential but it is prone to certain challenges. So, Pakistan needs to improve its energy infrastructure to achieve energy security.

This would require a comprehensive energy policy framework and investment in renewable sources,” said Syed Mujahid Shah, an energy consultant at the National Engineering Service Pakistan. Talking to WealthPK, he said, “To ensure smooth supply of energy to households and industry, the government needs to implement such policies that help improve power infrastructure.”

He said the government needed to increase investment in renewable energy, including solar, wind, hydel and biomass. “The government should provide incentives for investments in renewable energy such as tax breaks, subsidies, and feed-in tariffs. This will encourage private investments in renewable energy and will help reduce the country's reliance on imported oil and gas for producing power.”

Mujahid Shah further added that the government should promote energy efficiency as Pakistan was one of the least energy-efficient countries in the world, with many buildings and industries using outdated and inefficient technology. “The government should promote the use of energy-efficient appliances such as LED bulbs, and encourage the construction of energy-efficient buildings.”

“Pakistan also needs to improve its transmission and distribution infrastructure as the country suffers from chronic power outages due to an outdated transmission and distribution system.” He said there was a need to invest in the upgradation and modernisation of transmission and distribution systems to help reduce losses.

He added that Pakistan needed to diversify its energy mix as the country was heavily reliant on imported fuels to produce power, which made it vulnerable to price fluctuations and supply disruptions. “Pakistan needs to increase its use of indigenous resources, such as coal and renewables, to reduce its reliance on imported fuels.”

The National Engineering Service Pakistan consultant said the government should promote public-private partnerships in the energy sector to help attract private investments in the sector and reduce the burden on the government. “Public-private partnerships can help finance new energy projects and can also help improve efficiency of the energy sector.” He said Pakistan also needed to focus on research and development to find new and innovative solutions to the country's energy challenges. Top of Form

Credit: Independent News Pakistan-WealthPk