
China's approach right way towards building trust among nations, says BiH leader

July 04, 2021

SARAJEVO, July 4 (Xinhua) -- China's approach is a right way towards building trust between states, nations and their representatives, said Milorad Dodik, chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in a recent interview with Xinhua.

Unlike Western countries' relations with BiH, China's help and partnership has never attached any political strings, Dodik said, noting that "China is a good partner, who has also helped us a lot in a humanitarian way, without ever conditioning it with political demands."

According to the political leader, Western countries are aggressively and continuously trying to model the world according to their concept of globalism, while ignoring the needs and voices of other nations.

Some Western countries are pointing fingers and labeling China as a "subversive disrupter of order," while at the same time they are abusing their economic dominance and political status to impose their agenda on the less developed countries, said Dodik.

Dodik underlined that international relations have to be based on mutual respect and without interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, saying that he believes that the future world will be a just one, "with full respect for each other, and without force and the arrogance of the powerful ones."

"And I am confident that China can give a significant contribution to that new world that needs to be created," he said.

On the global anti-COVID fight, Dodik believed that the COVID-19 pandemic has additionally strengthened the friendship between BiH and China, and highlighted the humanitarian dimension of China.

China didn't hesitate to provide as much assistance to others as it could, he said, adding that from the early days of the pandemic, China has helped BiH to access the much-needed protective equipment for fighting the pandemic, and later it also delivered vaccines and helped launch the vaccination process in the country.

China and its people have demonstrated that "they are able, powerful, and humane," said Dodik.